6 years
Carbon Pres.: Klaudia Gawlas - 18. 10. 06.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Suck My Disco - KatapultDJ - 18. 10. 13.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Suck My Disco x TURBO - Season Opening - 18. 09. 22.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Carbon Season Opening - 18. 09. 15.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Baszatáska Baszatour: Szegedi megborulás - 18. 05. 26.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Suck My Disco - Season Closing w/ BSW + PIXA
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Carbon - Season Closing - Black Asteroid - 18. 05. 12.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Carbon Pres.: EGBERT - 18. 04. 28.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Hódítás Éjszakája - 18. 05. 05.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Suck My Disco BiRTHDAY FESTiVAL 18. 04. 21.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Carbon Pres.: Felix Kröcher / Jay Lumen - 18.04.14.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Carbon Pres.: UTO KAREM - 18.03.31.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
SUPERSTARS - 18.04.01.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Night Life w/ Pixa & Szecsei - 18.04.07.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Suck My Disco - Metzker Viktória - 18.03.17.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Back to 2000 Party - Erős vs. Spigiboy - 18.03.24.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Carbon pres.: UMEK - 18.03.10.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Tesis Buli Season Opening - 18. 02. 13.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Insomnia - 18.02.24.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Március 24. Erős vs Spigiboy
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
LIGHTS OFF - 18.02.17.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Carbon pres.: Olivier Giacomotto&Drunken Kong-18.02.10.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
️Valentin-napi nyertesünk️
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Suck My Disco - Fusion Night - Andro, Purebeat - 18. 02. 03.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Carbon Pres.: Layton Giordani - 18.01.20
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Sing Sing After - 18. 01. 01.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Suck My Disco - Katapult Dj - Szalagavató After 18.01.13.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Rádió 1 Szilveszter - 17. 12. 31.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Carbon Pres.: Marco Bailey / Nakadia - 17. 23. 25.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
7 years
Deadcode and Friends - 17. 12. 02.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged