6 years
Carbon pres.: Shxcxchcxsh - 20191005
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Carbon Season Opening - 20190914 Sing Sing
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Carbon pres.: Footwork Label Night - 0518 Sing Sing
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
ÖsszSZEGED CS Company & Lights Off - 0427 - Sing Sing
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Moonwalk , Miss Melera - 20190420 Sing Sing
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
One Nation / Spring Festival - 04.13.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
T78 - 19. 03. 30. - Sing Sing Music Hall
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Night Life - 19. 04. 06. - Sing Sing
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
One Nation w Metzker Viki I Cashtag I Suck My Disco - 19. 03. 15.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Hódítás Éjszakája - 19. 03. 23. - Sing Sing, Szeged
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Carbon pres. Johannes Heil - 19. 03. 09. - Sing Sing
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Insomnia - The New Chapter
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
One Nation w Andro / Sterbinszky / Stephanie / Suck My Disco
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Carbon pres. Reinier Zonneveld, Jay Lumen - Sing Sing
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Supernova x Carbon pres. Marika Rossa
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Rádió 1 Szilveszter - 18. 12. 31.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
20. AFTER - SING SING - 19. 01. 01.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
NIGHT LIFE - 18. 12. 22.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Julian Jeweil Carbon Xmas Xtra - 18.12.25.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Suck My Disco 7th B-day w/ AK26
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Carbon Exclusive - Hungarian DJs - 18. 12. 01.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
87.9 Rádió 1 - Születésnapi Party - Suck My Disco - 18. 11. 24.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Carbon Birthday - Format B - 18. 11. 17.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Jam Session & R'n'B Party - 18. 11. 16.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Ultra Color - Club Edition - 18. 11. 10.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Carbon Pres.: THE ADVENT - 18. 10. 27.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Superstars - 18. 10. 31.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged
6 years
Droplex - Insomnia Allstars - 18. 10. 20.
Sing Sing Music Hall, Szeged