We had a great time raising money and working out for Myles! If you are looking for a great place to help you get in shape, check out Omni Fight Club Pleasanton.

THE STORY: Myles Molnar (16) a Sophomore at Foothill High School in Pleasanton was critically injured doing the sport he loves, wrestling, on January 21, 2017. Myles suffered a dislocation C5/C6 compressing his spinal cord. This has left him paralyzed from the chest down and no fine motor function in his hands. Due to the severity of his injuries he was told that he may never walk or use his fingers. Despite this prognosis, Myles has fought back and has regained some movement, control and feeling! But he needs many more months of intensiveo activity based therapies. His parents Laura and Frank do have health insurance; however, there are overwhelming uncovered costs that insurance will not cover that are essential to his ongoing recovery. The first couple of years are most critical in regaining motor recovery. But he cannot do this alone. The financial and emotional support needed from family, friends and supporters will be and has been an important one during this long and arduous journey.
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