Working Class Hero Errorsmith & We Will Fail live

Sprawdźcie jak było na Working Class Hero: Errorsmith (PAN), We Will Fail live. Wspaniałe wideo podsumowanie, jak i instalację świetlną na Tropical Stage zawdzięczamy Tving Stage Design. ???
Dziękujemy Wam i wszystkim artystom, którzy wystąpili tej nocy, czyli errorsmith, We will fail, Chino, Rusałka, Møzaika, CHRONO BROSS, VTSS i ISNT. Wideo przedstawia zapis z Tropical Stage, by wiedzieć jak było na Polar Stage zajrzyjcie do albumu!

Track: Chino – Blades /Altered States Tapes/

"The aftermovie from Working Class Hero: Errorsmith (PAN), We Will Fail live is here! This great summary as well as the light installation at Tropical Stage was created by Tving Stage Design. ???
Big upz to all of you ravers and to all the artists who performed that night: Errorsmith, We will fail, Chino, Rusałka, Møzaika, Chrono Bross, Vtss and Isnt. The video sums up time at the Tropical Stage, how did we spend time at Polar Stage you will find out soon.
