The Sewing Room House Lager Competition now closes Friday OCT 29!!!
👉 YOUR NAME on our house lager!
👉YOUR FACE on our house lager!
👉your first BEER FREE every weekend for a year!

The Sewing Room's new house lager needs a name and a logo. And we are thinking maybe that name could be your name? and perhaps that logo could be your happy face? and while we are at, maybe you can have a free beer every weekend for a year?
help us create and brand the house lager beer at THE SEWING ROOM! enter here 👉 https://forms.gle/9ALQ8txmUa9A7hkQ8


to enter fill out your info. you need to provide your name, your email, a photo and what you would like the beer to be called. The Sewing Room team will choose and announce the winner on our socials!
- their name selected as the beer name
- their image will be used for artwork with their name and face on the beer
- winner will receive their first beer free every weekend for a year! from October 29 2021 to October 29 2022
ENTER 👉 https://forms.gle/9ALQ8txmUa9A7hkQ8