June 1 - pop in your diary, we're reopening! 🍻 After a 'quiet' few months, we're beyond excited to welcome our locals back to the pub.

We've ramped up our health & hygiene measures but we've also had to make a few changes around here, so bear with us. Thanks to all of you who have shown us continued support, pub spirit is in the air and we can't wait to see you soon.

Keep reading for our customer conditions of entry 👇

⚫ we need to collect your name, number and mobile for contact tracing. We'll keep it for 28 days and then throw it away. This doesn't include our guests under 18 y/o.

⚫ If you're showing flu-like symptoms - stay home, don't share those germs!

⚫ keep your distance. 1.5M from everyone at all times, please and thanks.

⚫ we can't take bookings larger than 10 people, this also means no more than 10 people can be seated at one table.

⚫ last, but not least, we need you to remain seated at all times unless you're moving through the venue or using facilities.