Well what a year it’s been. Who would have thought after celebrating New Year 2020 we would all be locked down a few months later dealing with a virus. It’s certainly not what we were expecting. Along with every business in the land The Waterloo has had it hard. However, look at the support we’ve had from you lot buying all our merch and donating to our crowdfunder to keep us here. Not only you guys but also other businesses, bands & the general public have gone above and beyond to help us. It’s certainly been a shitty year for the hospitality industry and we can’t thank you all enough for your support. Considering what it’s like at this time, we hope you all have a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy 2021 New Year.
Thanks for keeping us here and thank you for being YOU 🥰 Looking forward to seeing you all in 2021 😊

P.S. here is a little something we’ve knocked up. It’s 7.06 minutes long because there are loads of you. Enjoy

Ian & #teamwaterloo ❤️