VZ 8. martā Autentikā YIN pasākumā
VZ elektroniskās mūzikas pasaulē ir jau ilgu laiku, bet viņas mīlestība pret tehno mūziku radās, kad viņa kādu laiku dzīvoja Norvēģijas ziemeļos.
Ar saviem DJ setiem VZ ir viesojusies arī Francijā un Norvēģijā. Savos setos viņa mēģina apvienot un atspoguļot dažādus tehno veidus – “acid, dark, hypnotic, industrial”.
VZ 2017. gadā uzstājās arī UNDER festivālā Rīgā kopā ar tādiem māksliniekiem kā Electric Indygo, Ksenia Kamikaza, Dasha Rush un Vatican Shadow.
Viņa mēdz spēlēt arī minimal house vai micro house, iedvesmu tam guvusi no rumāniešu minimālisma kustības.
VZ ir attīstījusi arī tehno organizāciju Melnā Saule
Tiekamies ar VZ pie mums autentikā 8. martā YIN : Merimell, Alise Joste, VZ, Nina Elektrichka
VZ has been into electronic music since very long time, but her love for techno developed while she was living in Northern Norway. The Latvian audience has seen her performing in Riga many times, but she also managed to play in Lithuania, Norway, and France. In her sets she tries to combine different sides of techno - acid, dark, hypnotic, industrial. VZ performed at UNDER festival in Riga in 2017 and she shared the stage with such artists as Electric Indigo, Ksenia Kamikaza, Dasha Rush and Vatican Shadow.
VZ is also into playing minimal house or micro house. She got inspired by the Romanian minimal movement and started digging more into this field and plays from time to time minimal sets as well.
VZ is also a developer of a techno organization Melnā Saule
Come and check her set out at YIN : Merimell, Alise Joste, VZ, Nina Elektrichka