Diemžēl jāteic, ka VJ Mlada Lepsi šovakar veselības problēmu dēļ nespēs mums pievienoties YIN : feminine energy, creativity & electronic music. Mladas vietā ielec superīgā VJ Sandzhey! Viņa parūpēsies par vizuālo sprādzienu Melnajā zālē.
Novēlam ātru veseļošanos Mladai un ceram, ka viņa pievienosies mums nākamajā pasākumā!
Tikmēr iepazīstinām ar VJ Sandzhey!
We are very sorry, that our VJ girl Mlada Lepsi won't be able to join us tonight, because of some health issues. Don't you worry, she will be fine soon and she will join us next time for sure!
Her place will take amazing VJ Sandzhey! Come and check her visual explosions out at Dark room tonight YIN : feminine energy, creativity & electronic music