4 years
Vintage Salsa with Mo'Love
Vintage House, Plovdiv
5 years
MixMe <3
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Acoustic Saturday Night with Pepi & Pavel
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Friday Salsa Night with Ilia Cholakov
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Моноспектакъл Моето име
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Tribute to George Michael Vintage House
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Acoustic Satudray Jazz with Tagrid & Jivko
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Dimo P.I.F. Vintage house
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Acoustic Saturday with Lina Nikol & Riverman
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Любовта не може просто да отмине Моноспектакъл на Симеон Владов
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Acoustic Saturday with Georgi Zaykov & Ivan Garbachev
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Литературно четене с Димитър Герганов
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
BG Night със Стефан и Константин
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Класически платна и дигитална изложба на Иван Богоев
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Kimbo espresso italiano
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Kerana Kosmos & Pavel Acoustic Vintage House
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
MixMe Acoustic Live Vintage House
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
The House And Sax Experience Vintage House
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Le'Push Acoustic Live Vintage House
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Acoustic Night With Edit & Momchil Vintage House
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Salsa Vs. Bachata Vintage House
Vintage House, Plovdiv
6 years
Ivory Twilight Acoustic Vintage House
Vintage House, Plovdiv
7 years
Мирослава Кацарова - 18.11
Vintage House, Plovdiv
7 years
Остава във Vintage House - 17.11
Vintage House, Plovdiv
7 years
Представяне на книгата Близки срещи със смесени чувства
Vintage House, Plovdiv
7 years
VICK Live at Vintage House
Vintage House, Plovdiv
7 years
Acoustic Night with Pepa & Pavel
Vintage House, Plovdiv