6 years
Concert Pacifica/Toni Șeicărescu Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Lansare album Chimie - Legenda celor patru colturi ale blocului
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Concert Trupa SPAM Underground the Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Lansare album Bucovina Septentrion+Focuri Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Barber Battle Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Ziua lui Ștefi Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Implant Pentru Refuz Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Union Party w/ Shukar Nation Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Argatu' vol. IV Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Virgin Radio Party Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Omul cu Șobolani Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Subcarpați Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Subcarpati Undeground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Kazi Ploae Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Luna Amară // Lansare abum NORD Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Tenebres Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
F Charm Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Tourette Roulette Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Tourette Roulette Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Saint & Sinners Student Party Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Basska & Fantome Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Bosquito Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Petrece Studențește - Petrecere de Bun Venit Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Cred Că Sunt Extraterestru /w Celula de CrizăUnderground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
MadLiquid Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Glow Party Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Pin-up Party Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
Macanache - Lansare album MOFT Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
6 years
E-An-Na w/ Beauty And The Rat Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași
7 years
West Side Story by GROW Underground The Pub
Underground Club, Iași