TONIGHT! A BIG start to a BIG weekend!

TONIGHT! A BIG start to a BIG weekend! 🎉

🍻 Bottles of VK Blue & VK Watermelon, Sol & Carlsberg, just £1.90 A BOTTLE before 1am or 2 FOR £5 after 1am!

🍹 Plus don't forget our £1 ENTRY & £1 DRINKS LIST before 1am too, including VODKA & COKE, shots and more!

Quids In Fridays at The Buttermarket is the BIGGEST party in town!

Every Friday from 11pm 'til late:
✅ £1 ENTRY all night inc. a FREE DRINK
✅ £1 DRINKS all night
✅ DOUBLE UP FOR £1 on selected spirits

📀 Pop / Chart / House / Bangers with DJ Salopia! 🎉