Support your favourite DJs with just a few clicks, watch them LIVE on our FB page and TIP them as much as you like! 🤙🏻😍

As you guys know, our local DJs are currently not allowed to perform in bars/clubs during this RMCO period. Hence, we at Arena Bar MY has initiated a tipping programme; TIP BEAT, where your favourite local DJs will go LIVE on our FB page and you the audience will get to tip them as much as you like to show your support! Be sure to check our page for updates on our DJ line up!

For DJs who are interested in joining Tip Beat, click on the link below or contact for more info 👇🏻

#TipBeat #GoLiveGetTipped #ArenaBarTTDI #ArenaBarMY #livesession #clubinkl #malaysiabar #sportsbar #beerpongbar #arenakakis #klclubbers #klclubbing #klclubs #klbars #klparty #klnightlife #klcity