7 years
Sat.27.01 x Armand de Brignac Case of Ace release
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Fri.26.01 x Matteo Simoni patsergedrag
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Fri.19.01 x Paster pre-party
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Sat.13.01 x CHAR LEE
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
VLLNR NYE + December highlights
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Wed.20.12 x Welcome to the goodlife
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Sat.23.12 x DV&LM Bringing the madness official afterparty
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Fri.22.12 x De warmste club ter wereld
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Sat.16.12 x Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike afterparty
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Sat.09.12 x instagramtakeover w/ Average Rob
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Fri.08.12 x BOEF
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Sat.02.12 x Maarten Vancoillie (Qmusic)
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Fri.01.12 x The Villa's Secret
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Fri.24.11 x STUDIO 54
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Sat.25.11 x De Slimste Club ter Wereld
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Fri.17.11 x VILLABROERS' final party
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Sat.18.11 x 5YRS THE VILLA
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Fri.10.11 x 50 NIGHTS TILL NYE
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Sat.04.11 x House of mask by Cubanisto
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Fri.27.10 x Lil Kleine
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Tue.31.10 x MNM Back to the 90&00's
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Sat.28.10 x Oscar and the wolf afterparty
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Sat.21.10 x BAZART official afterparty
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
The Villa, Antwerp
7 years
Fri.13.10 x MIAafterwork w/ Cleymans & Van Geel
The Villa, Antwerp
8 years
Sat.14.10 x The Villa gives you wings
The Villa, Antwerp
8 years
Sat.07.10 x Studio54 afterparty
The Villa, Antwerp
8 years
VLLNR September highlights
The Villa, Antwerp