The Badgey is 4 years old now.
With 1500 members we think it's time to sift out the dead weight.
So as of the 8/12/19 you can exchange your old badge number for a new one, or sign up if you're new to the family.

We are gonna freeze the jackpot at $6000 till the 9th of January 202 so we can round a nice big pool of new (and old/new) members.

During this period we still wanna hook you up so we are gonn agive away $250 every Thursday till we unfreeze the jackpot to our newly signed up members. Just show ya new badge at the bar and get a raffle ticket.

We will also have more meat and veggie tray give aways as well as giving out a bunch of jugs too.

On the 9th of Jan 2020, we will infreeze the jackpot and to be eligable to win you will have to have one of our new badges.

Just like Climate Change we're heating up too. 2020 - the new era of THE BADGEY