Not the year we had in mind when we started renovating in January 2020, but we were pretty quick to adjusted our expectations when March came to a close and we were told to sit tight for the next 6 months.

Then, June came through and we were able to open our doors to the great people of Wollongong. The place was humming with the sound of laughter, live music and people generally enjoying things we'd once taken for granted. The crowds were gracious & kind and we were embraced into the community with more support than we could ever imagine. This is how we will forever remember 2020.

We've had a accept a few realities. 2021 was the year we were meant to break ground on Stage 2 of the renovation (Upstairs). The plans were (& are) larger than life. Unfortunately, these plans are now on hold until 2022 for obvious reasons.

We couldn't be more excited though because when life gives you lemons, you build a 130m2 ROOFTOP URBAN VEGE GARDEN with 60m2 of garden beds to supply fresh produce for our kitchen! It's no rooftop bar but it will create just as much positive vibes as 10 rooftop bars.

More updates incoming!

Thank you for the love and support and we can't wait to share our plans for 2021.