Hey! What are you doing Friday night? If you miss nightlife as much as us, you'll be happy to know San Francisco has its own late show now, with famous djs, bands and local performers of all varieties! Tonight "Club Closed," (filmed at The Great Northern), presents Rob Garza (Thievery Corporation) with his new project GARZA ,DJ M3 aka Makes me Move, Walk The Vote fashion show by Atousa G with a Line Called K, Edna Mira Raia & Polly Amber Ross, with host, Micah Byrnes!

It's a blend of Monty Python ish,120 Minutes MTV and Public Access Television SF style, in the comfort of your home. Turn on your rave lights and tune in to the party at 8pm or 10:30 PM for two streams of stellar talent! Pandemic pricing available.

Tix at www.clubclosed.com and in bio/info

#sanfrancisconightlife #sf #love #voteblue2020 #comedy #thieverycorporation #alinecalledk #djm3 #djm3sf #fashion #clubclosedsf #thegreatnorthernsf