We welcome the world’s largest monthly fetish and body art club, Torture Garden to #iwf on the 28th of March.

Attracting crowds of up to 2,500 people to their London events, TG also run regular events in Edinburgh and Brighton as well as International events in Rome, Tokyo, LA and New York.

Torture Garden has been running events for nearly 30 years, going from strength to strength. They pride ourselves on being a home for the bizarre and extreme, creating an environment that celebrates diversity and freedom of expression. It’s the crowd that generates the energy and atmosphere of the event, and the TG customers are some of the most radically dressed on the club scene!

Over the years TG have hosted a number of world class performers including Dita Von Teese, Paloma Faith, Ron Athey, Fakir Musafar, Suka Off, Lucifire, The Tiger Lillies, Franko.B, Masuimi Max, MissBehave, The Vivid Angel, Pscho Cyborgs and Empress Stah.

Tickets here ---> https://buff.ly/2wtHOJ2