☀️Sunman International Gay Festival 2019
by Construction Lisbon Club 🏳️‍🌈
🇵🇹 13 Julho - Pool Party
O local da Pool Party é maravilhoso, teremos transporte de ida e de retorno, artistas de de renome do Circuito Mundial, muita festa e muitas surpresas num horário XXL, entre as 13:00h e as
Não podes perder!
O número de entradas é limitado, por isso garante já a tua antecipada a valores promocionais!"
13 of July - Pool Party
The venue of the Pool Party is wonderful, we will have round trip transportation to local, renowned artists from the World Circuit, lots of partying and lots of surprises in an XXL time between 13:00 and 04:00!
You can not miss it!
The number of tickets is limited, so make sure you get your tickets in advance! "

#sunmanfestival #sunmanfestival2019 #constructionlisbonclub