Surry Hills
7 years
Harry's: Network Connection Records Presents
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
7 years
Harry's: Basin Presents
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
7 years
Last weekend at Soda 3
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
7 years
Harry's: w/ Keep It Disco, Dulcet & Garth Linton B2B Pip Dalton
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
7 years
Bo's Diner Take-over
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
7 years
Harry's: Post Pluto Goes Post Mortem
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
7 years
Harry's Horror Hotel w/ Simon Caldwell B2B Kato
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
7 years
Soda's Halloween Party-Where Strange Things Happened
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
7 years
Jukebox Thursday Magic
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
7 years
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
7 years
Last Weekend at Soda 3
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
7 years
Harry's: Midnight Swim presents
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
7 years
Harry's: Keep Sydney Open x Heaps Gay x DIY Rainbow
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
7 years
Weekend Harry's: 13th & 14th October
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
7 years
Soda Weekends 3
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
7 years
Furnace and the Fundamentals at Jukebox Thursdays
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
7 years
Harry's: Tom Witheridge B2B Statz and Dulcet
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
7 years
Harry's: Basin w/ Adi Toohey b2b Fortune Taylor
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
7 years
Last Weekend at Soda 3
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
8 years
Weekend at Harry's 29/30
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
8 years
Freaky with Furnace and The Fundamentals at Jukebox Thursdays.
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
8 years
A Wild Weekend at Soda 3
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
8 years
House Party 6 w/ Mike Dunn & co
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
8 years
About Last Weekend... ;)
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
8 years
Weekend at Harry's 22/23 September
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
8 years
Harry's: Animals Dancing w/ D.K.
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
8 years
Harry's: Midnight Swim pres. Edseven, Setwun, Mike Who & more
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills
8 years
Saturday Night behind the Coca Cola Door
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
8 years
Winehouse Wednesday 3
The Soda Factory, Surry Hills
8 years
Harry's: Second Week of Spring
Harpoon Harry, Surry Hills