A letter from the owner::

I wanted to address the public myself about the events that transpired last weekend at my establishment Sky SLC. First and foremost, I have always been a major supporter of the LGBTQ+ Community. I have hosted events for the community on countless occasions with no conflict. My doors have always been open for anyone & everyone to come escape the everyday stresses of life without discrimination, and be able to feel comfortable & free to be whoever they want to be.

With that being said, I am quite disappointed at the entirety of the situation, however, I do need to say my club being called “homophobic" is the furthest from the truth. We have always shown respect and support to the entire community, and appreciate the support the community has given back to us.

Unfortunately, sometimes we are forced to remove unruly guests from our venue for the safety of them, our other guests, and our staff.

I was truly hoping I would not have to do this, but the situation has escalated to the point where I must defend myself, my establishment, and my staff being accused of misconduct.

I feel obligated to show you a video of the incident, so you can decide for yourself what actually happened. My security was simply following protocols and did what they are supposed to do if an individual becomes unruly or belligerent, to protect the well-being of all patrons and staff that were in attendance of this event.

This club was built with love, and love for everyone in our community.