We're closing for a bit. Hold tight. Stay safe. We'll see you on the other side. Now, in Basement fashion, cue Bill Pullman...

Nine years ago on St. Patrick's Day we opened The Basement - just barely. Those days were filled with uncertainty and hope,... anxiety ridden sleepless nights and often disappointment when things just didn't work out. Over the years we learned a few things. We found ourselves. Grew up a little. And, YOU found US.

Two simple things made all the difference between then and now.
1) Trust your gut - There is a never ending line of people telling you "what you should be doing." When their idea fails they're no where to be found BUT are always around to take the credit for your work when it succeeds. Trust your gut so you can own your decisions, embrace your successes, and learn from your failures.
2) Surround yourself with dependable people - The Basement is an illustration of countless collected efforts coming together for a single purpose. Everyone from the promoters to the barback do things outside of the job description to get the team across the finishline. With a solid team the weight is never more than your can bear.

So as uncertainty knocks at the world's door, trust your gut and depend on your team. Take care of each other. On the other side maybe we'll all go dancing.
