🔊🔊 Scenes Of Paradise #02 - Club, Festival & Event Labels - @Tanzhaus West / Dora Brilliant 🔊🔊 Paradise Distribution

With this week's takeover we close our campaign for SoP #02 - Club, Festival & Event Labels. This time we are in Germany, more precisely in Frankfurt. The Tanzhaus West with its cozy second floor called Dora Brilliant is a party institution in the Rhein-Main area, operating since 2003. Either with their own booking or diverse party crowds they cooperate with, the club provided every weekend the party people with excellent line-ups and fresh ideas.

Tanzhaus West booker and resident-DJ Bo Irion will take you on a tour through the club and is sharing with us some honest words about their current situation.

THW’s playlist takeover is a selection of some of their favourite tracks as well as tunes from their own label Dora Brilliant....👉 https://bit.ly/ScenesOfParadise

If you want to support the club financially, please use this link: https://tanzhaus-west.de/savetheplace

Video by Gonzo Gonzales: https://www.instagram.com/g0nzo0/ & Marshall Modus

#scenesofparadise #clubs #festivals #events #openair #tanzhauswest #dorabrilliant #frankfurt #gutleutviertel #paradisedistribution #berlin #musiclabels #spotify #playlist