T H I S S A T U R D A Y ! H A L L O W E E N P A R T Y ! 8 P M - 2 A M
Special spooky cocktails and canapes! Deejays and alllll the dancing!
The experimental duo of Jamie Bolland (Tut Vu Vu) and Nikki Tirado (Total
Leatherette) present their debut performance as a durational experience in
the Clubroom at the CCA. Drawing influence from the Italian horror genre
Giallo, martial arts, and the ghost of Tom Jones; the performance will include
tales of apparitions and a running loop of Sergei Eisenstein’s Day of the Dead
footage from his Mexico tapes (1931).
The performance will last 2 hours (11pm - 1am) and the audience are invited to come and
go as they please.
Access one way (unless lift required) through sky corridor on 2 nd floor, exiting
down opposite stairwell to the Saramago Terrace Bar.