A segment of DeForrest Brown, Jr.’s piece for PRTV in 2020, ‘Black Nationalist Sonic Weaponry,’ set to visuals by @clips_co_op.

This Fri 10.1 in The Sound Room, the rhythmanalyst makes his PR live debut [as Speaker Music] with a Make Techno Black Again event powered by HECHA / 做, including a live studio performance focused on a critical reconsideration of techno as Black music that sounds technological, rather than music being made with technology. Brown, Jr. will also be in discussion about his forthcoming book on the history of techno + African-American experiences in industrialized labor systems, titled ‘Assembling a Black Counter Culture’ (@primaryinfo, 2021).

The event includes sets from @bookperms + @_jwords, and will be engineered by @moma_ready. Tickets avail now via @dicefm + @resident_advisor.