6 years
Chemica bar 24/10/'18
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
23/10: HSC De Dijlebrassers - Cava avond
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
Dentalia Bar 15/10/'18
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
Meetjesland Bar
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
10/10: Anabolica - Nasty Teachers Party
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
9/10: Moeder Barry - Avalanche
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
VLAK Bar 03/10'18
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
4/10: Geologica - Cava vs Jenever
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
Student Kick-Off 2018
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
Harmonia bar / Kick-Off day-after
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
Gratis vaten - 24/09/'18
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
23/09 - 974 Days of Moeder Porter
Porter House, Ghent
6 years
25/09: Openingsvaten
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
7/09: Louise 25 & Randy's 40 Birthdayedition
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
28/06: End of Exams
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
27/06: Politeia - Afscheidsfeest
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
23/04: GBK - Verkiezingen afterparty
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
19/04 Anabolica's Night Of The Bull
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
18/4 Chemica - Mad Scientists
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
16/04 Paashunt Dentalia
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
29/03: VLAK - Cockverdomme
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
27/03: Home Fabiola - Mad Max TD
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
14/03: Chemica - Jeneveravond
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
13/3 Dijlebrassers streekbierenavond
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
7/03: Meetjesland
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
06/03: Politeia - Nacht van de Schacht
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
28/02: 24u v/d Porter House
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
22/02: Dijlebrassers - Cocktailavond
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
15/02 Anabolica's Are you the Juan
Porter House, Ghent
7 years
Porter House, Ghent