⭐️⭐️⭐️competition time ⭐️⭐️⭐️

So guys we have an amazing give away for you your not gonna believe it !!

We have teamed up with Mecca bingo on there big 90’s party ! With guest acts such as SCLUB AND 911 🤣🕺💃 we have 2 gold tickets to the event to give away not only does this get you into the event but you get a meet and greet with sclub and 911 😮😮🤣

As we are hosting the after party the winner will get a VIP booth at popworld Blackpool and a free bottle of bubbly 🍾🥂

To be in with a chance of winning like our page and comment on this post who you would take with you !!

Competition closes Thursday 27th June ☺️❤️