Friends...take note...if you live in another city and love experiential jazz/funk/groove madness...FIND James Brandon Lewis and his trio.

We have been melted this evening by three brilliant and ULTRA-SWEET New Yorkers, who sat in secondary inspections at Customs for QUITE awhile, and then unleashed two hours (non-stop) of supercharged jazz rumble on our heads.

I am SO grateful to have experienced this, along with SO MANY remarkable shows (especially this year). We are SPOILED beyond any reasonable expectation. It’s just plain extravagant and grandiose to a level that the general public doesn’t comprehend. And a great, busy room came to witness this tonight, which does our hearts well.

PLEASE...when you know something is going to be altering (like tonight was)...insist that friends come with you. The uninitiated. These shows are a gift worth giving people you care about. And they’re right in your backyard. You don’t even need to hit Detroit for this genius.