Dia 08 DEZ 22-04h realizamos a segunda festa PARKBEAT, dedicada aos 20 anos de carreira de Dj Kwan e ao bom momento do Hip Hop Nacional com a presença de Sam The Kid, Holly Hood, Kappa Jotta, Estraca, Dj Glue e Dj BIG mais convidados surpresa.
15€ com 1 imperial / 20€ no dia
On DEC 8th 10pm-4am we party at the second PARKBEAT, dedicated this time to DJ KWAN's 20th career year and to National's Hip-Hop excellent moment with SAM THE KID, HOLLY HOOD, KAPPA JOTTA, ESTRACA, DJ GLUE, DJ BIG and surprise guests.
15€ with a draft beer / 20€ on the event day
Parkbeat Kwan 20 Anos