Paradiso: Manfredas

photo report
Our beloved photographic wizard Peteris Viksna in Paradise until the morning light capturing TRASHY KID, series curator Elvi Soulsystems and our Paradiso's first guest – Manfredas. It's not often that the photographer stays so long into the night. If Pēteris has we are touched and it means a lot!

Also... Thankyous go out to Judzhen who warmed us up outside the club, to Jägermeister for putting together a nice place for icy refreshments, to Straume TV for providing a stream for those who could not be there and our whole crew of ONE ONE! Paradiso is a series where two absolutely different minded people try to create something together. Look out for the next event that is probably going to feature a guest from the circle of Kris Hovel.
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