Our Video Entry for the Scottish Gin Awards 2018

Back in 2018 we entered the Scottish gin awards for Best Scottish Gin Bar.
As part of our detailed entry we prepared this video showing what we offered at the time and what type of training the staff received including visiting gin distilleries and having gin experts come and teach us more about all things gin.
We were very fortunate to reach the final and had a very enjoyable time meeting up with all the industry leaders and producers!
We now offer around 300 gins and nearly half of this as Scottish.
In the not too distant future we are also hoping to sell our own gin, which has already been created and now needs to be produced in large quantaties.
It's flavour profile is similar to Tanqueray gin but we've also added cherry blossom essence and Scottish milk thistle as botanicals. This is a nod to the connection Fraserburgh has with Japan through the influence former brocher Sir Thomas Blake Glover had on the country. THe name of the gin is called Kanpai Gin, which means 'Cheers' in Japanese!