This weekend was going to be our closing weekend. A bitter pill to swallow in case it would’ve happened, yet an even more bitter one now that it can’t.

This video is silent for a reason: our final goodbye is the latest in a immense, nation-spanning lot of cultural events that has been cancelled due to disproportionate government restrictions. The lights you see stay on during the weekend. Think of what could have taken place right here during these nights when you pass them, and take a moment to reflect on why it didn’t. We’re surely thinking of you while you do so.

As of this moment we’re working hard to continue the spirit of OOST, in ways to be disclosed at a later point in time. Time and again we’re reminded why this community feeling, this passion for the musical cutting edge, this dance floor essence is oh so vital. Groningen needs its homes for this, and we want to keep providing one. You’ll hear from us soon. About our future plans, including a proper goodbye taking place when restrictions are lifted. Better sooner than later.

Love, OOST.

Video shot by Tim Lechner