On / RADlON birthday marathon / De Sluwe Vos, David Vunk & more

SAT.28.09.19 On: RADlON 5 years marathon: De Sluwe Vos, David Vunk, Miss Djax

Five years have passed since we first opened the doors to our beloved RADION. Way more than five mesmerizing memories were made in our concrete heaven of joy. Numerous artists, musicians, escapists, eaters, drinkers, dancers, daydreamers, nightowls and other pretty creatures came by. Some moved on, some left their souls behind, some never left at all.

Now, we kindly request you to leave the here and now and transcend with us on a journey taking us through five magical years. It’s time to get ON board. The next chapter awaits.

This is five years RADION.