Ohh! Lala! Cherie! Behind the Scene

Ladies & Gentlemen ! For the very first time we let you sneak in the backstages of this so glamorous show!

Emma Mylan, the show's artistic director, invites you following her during the preparation of this unique show.

Discover our secret life behind the curtains!

Production & edition by Candre Mandawe
Camera by Candre Mandawe & Stacey Sturrock-Davies

NEXT SHOW: 5.10.2019 / 2.11.2019 / 7.12.2019

TICKETS: https://www.starticket.ch/fr/tickets/ohh-la-la-cherie-burlesque-striptease-show-20191005-1930-plaza-zurich

Art Director - Emma Mylan
Host - Reuben Kaye

Chris Oh
Aria Delanoche
Sugar Rush
Lillet Lamour
Holly's Good
Minouche Von Marabou
Lulu Applecheek
Silly Thanh
Mysti Vine

Moxy Malone
Ishka Pepper
Scarlett Midnight
Lisa De Labaguette
Alyson Tease
Red Coco