May 24th Eric McFadden and the Star Band

This Friday, May 24th, Eric McFadden & THE STAR BAND return in support of the new record on Tab Benoit’s Whiskey Bayou label, which is getting enormous response and sensational reviews.


Guitar Player magazine wrote, “If San Francisco is home to anyone approaching the abilities of a modern Hendrix, it’s Eric McFadden…”

“McFadden is a master of guitar and mandolin, a 25 year veteran who waltzes the dark, eerie corridors between Jimi Hendrix and Django Reinhardt…” ( Jonathan Zwickel – San Francisco Bay Guardian

“…McFadden is a six string virtuoso. His command of so many genres- is accentuated with meticulously crafted songs. There’s the poppy twist on traditional psychadelia. Poetic yet sinisterly distorted punk. Rowdy rockabilly. Dark, foreboding grunge. His melodies hinge on seriously catchy choruses that resonate thanks to a crunchy baritone reminiscent of Tom Waits or the late Mark Sandman of Morphine…” (The Denver Post)
