Loading in progress... and soon 100%! For #Boomian we strive for excellence! We put All our effort to create the only international partying scene that belongs to Hong Kong and all our party lovers!

We are touched to have all of your all the way through this project, particularly in this difficult environment! Let’s stay together and party! See you tonight and tomorrow at @boomeranghkg Save the Date!

載入中⋯即將完成。為求帶給一眾 #Boomian 最「高」派對體驗,我們的團隊竭盡所能在每一個細節中做到盡善盡美!期望香港首間國際級派對場地之誕生,一間屬於香港,屬於您們每一位派對熱愛人士的夜店。

在這個年頭,我們逆流而上,展開這個計劃。能夠在 @Boomeranghkg 遇見每一位 #Boomian 都是萬幸。感激在艱難中有大家與我們一起共渡。今明兩晚,不見不散!
