🙌🔥🎶👻 #Throwback to @elconjuntonuevaola performing at @lacitabar with special guest @la_marisoul of @lasantacecilia this past summer for our 15 year anniversary party!! Advance tickets are available for this Friday’s Jalogüin party with @elconjuntonuevaola (link in bio)!! Ponganse la mascara y caiganle al cumbion. Friday, October 29. $15 advance tickets, $20 at the door. 9pm 21+ @lacitabar. 🎥 by @minervascontent

*Note: Per the mandate of LA County, La Cita will be verifying that all guests entering the bar have received at least 1 dose of a Covid19 vaccine. Physical and digital vaccination cards as well as photos of these cards will be acceptable for verification and entry. A mask is also required for entry and guests should also wear a mask when not drinking.
#ECNO #cumbia #tocada #CumbiaIsTheNewRock #LaCita #dtla #LosAngeles #downtown #mascara #jaloguin #halloween #HalloweenParty #Halloween2021