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Novisch week is a whole week full of activities dedicated to all new students! It's the greatest opportunity to get to know other novices and the nation too.

This term's theme is "Mythical creatures" and you can find the schedule and sign up sheet here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQJBI1j3HsPahFg6Ob6b4_TmFBjqN0z3YzGJYUWv4wcVBmbA/viewform

Listen to what our actives enjoyed the most during their Novisch period and why it's still memorable to them 😍

Come as you are 💚


Novischveckan Àr en hel vecka full av aktiviteter dedikerade till alla nya studenter! Det Àr det bÀsta tillfÀllet att lÀra kÀnna andra novischer samt nationen.

Denna termins tema Ă€r ”Magiska vĂ€sen” och du hittar schemat och anmĂ€lningsformulĂ€ret hĂ€r: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQJBI1j3HsPahFg6Ob6b4_TmFBjqN0z3YzGJYUWv4wcVBmbA/viewform

Lyssna pĂ„ vad vĂ„ra aktiva medlemmar tyckte om mest under sin novischperiod och varför det fortfarande Ă€r minnesvĂ€rt för dem 😍

Kom som du Ă€r 💚