Justus Raym's Farmaporn - live at Club Gretchen, Berlin

Justus Raym's Farmaporn are LIVING IN A BOX
A series by Club GRETCHEN and berta.berlin.

▶️ Discover more: www.youtube.com/bertaberlinofficial
▶️ Support the artist: www.berta.berlin/justus-rayms-farmaporn

Justus Raym's musical philosophy follows a certain set of rules or mantras, which he describes as "movement = sanity, static=insanity". It is these phrases that are the inspiration behind the conception and drive of his work. Justus explores very different sides of his personality over beautiful, complex and enchanted musical pieces. Here he shares his honest feelings and intimate experiences.

Quentin Cholet - drums
Arne Braun -guitar
Justus Raym - keys