Dear guests,

How was your summer? Did you enjoy it? ?

➡ This year, it was a bit too hot, we had tough nights and lots of sunburn but it was such a good summer ?

We have learned a lot about you ??‍♀

➡ For example, you love good food, you are animal friendly ?, you didn't choose between MICHAEL JACKSON and 4 NON BLONDES ?(us neither), you prefer cotton candy ?, you wrote a lot of comments about Hitch ?? (and thanks for all of them, it's important for us to have your feedback), TO CONCLUDE, it was a pleasure having you!

The "rainy season" has just begun, we can't wait to live more great moments with you!

XXX Hitch.

#SaveTheTurtles #SaveThePlanet #SaveTheGuineaPig #ThisIsHitch #WhereFoodMeetsParty #HitchLxb #HitchLuxembourg #ConceptPartners #LifeStyle