本週五 Halloween at B1
萬聖節即將到來,Micro/wave 邀請你一起在B1 跳舞ㄧ整晚,享受連續整晚浩室和鐵克諾的萬聖夜! B1 除了有特別的萬聖氣氛佈置,還安排了特調萬聖節Shot。準備好你的萬聖節裝扮,和我們一起狂歡吧! 看誰有最吸睛的造型,和誰能跳舞到日出呢?
Halloween is coming and micro/wave is inviting you to a massive marathon night at B1. Beside showcasing a mix of Taipei based house and techno djs, you can expect a special decoration and halloween shots at the bar.
Let’s see who got the hottest costume and who can make it till the sun comes up!