Faltam 5 dias para a segunda fase das vendas do Together We Rise. Faça parte deste movimento para a reconstrução do nosso Green Valley! 💚 19 de janeiro ao meio-dia é o dia de garantir o seu ingresso/passaporte para esse momento histórico. Seguimos juntos. Together We Rise :: Unlocked by Beck's.⠀
#togetherwerise #voltaremosmaisverdes #greenvalley #unlockedbybecks

5 days left until we start the second phase of ticket sales for Green Valley´s "Together We Rise" event. Be part of this movement to rebuild our beloved Club. 💚 Sales are available from January 19th at noon (Brazil time zone). This is the ultimate opportunity for you to guarantee your ticket/passport for this historic moment. Together We Rise :: Unlocked by Beck's. ⠀
#togetherwerise #greenvalley #unlockedbybecks