Happy 4th of July! Kul helg! Tack till alla dom kom förbi och hinkade Pabst! Vi vill påminna er om musikquizet med tema AMERIKA på onsdag! Adam Lindmark och Elias Jubran ställer frågorna. Start 20.00. Boka bord, maila reservations@geronimosfgt.se. Finns det Pabst kvar serverar vi givetvis dessa under aftonen. Annars finns det ju alltid hederliga gamla BUD i sortimentet!

The united fucking states of fucking America! Few, if any, countries have during the 20th and 21st century been as leading in dictating world-wide popular culture and sticking its paws in historical events, as the vast land in the west, The USA. Join the quiz-masterminds Adam Lindmark and Elias Jubran on a coast-to-coast, pan-american adventure, diving deep into american music, geography, culture and history. All things american; big and small, good and bad, freedomly and un-freedomly, will be adressed during this rendezvous of trivia-extravaganza and all-you-can-eat-buffé of food-for-thought! *The solo of Free Bird playing in the background*

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