We loved 'em so much, we had to bring 'em back: Porky's Groove Machine play Tonic Room Friday, 12/13 with The People Brothers Band!
Tickets & More Info: http://bit.ly/PorkysGroove_Dec13
Porky's Groove Machine is a licensed provider of environmentally sustainable nerd funk that is “ready to help you get on with your baddest self” (Maximum Ink Music Magazine, July 2017). Since forming in 2011, they’ve criss-crossed the Midwest and East Coast, bringing their mature musicality (but no so mature sense of humor) to audiences of all ages. With their tight playing, choreographed dance moves, and audience-engaging performances, they always bring a funky party that is sure to get crowds laughing, dancing, and singing!

Porky's Groove Machine also offers workshops to middle and high school band programs in which they share their passion for funk, improvisation, and getting silly.