Fridays usually start with some Flashbacks of of our 45 years of Disco Glory and then we tell you to come out and make some new memories this weekend...

Well, we can't do that right now because we're closed for a bit. But we thought we'd remind everyone how much fun we've been having recently and what we plan on returning to as soon as possible. We'll do that by doing the right thing and looking out for ALL our community, putting the collective needs ahead of our own for a bit.

We start with an old photo though, Connections team nearly 30 years ago when our community faced (arguably) an even greater health crisis. Marching forward with our heads held high. We survived that crisis and we'll survive this one too. And, like that time, we will come out stronger for it.

The last photo is us at our 40th birthday, three decades later, strong, proud and doing what we do best.... throwing a party!

We'll be back at that as soon as we can!

Until then, stay safe, stay strong, and be kind to your fellow human beings. They're who we make memories with...

Connections Team
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