Electrified Backyard Party Sydskånska Nationen 14/9
photo report
Såhär såg det ut under backyard! Denna veckan flyttar Electrified in i huset igen, med sig har de technofenomenen Jessie Granqvist och Parallax Deep. Spana in eventet, tagga till och börja se fram emot fredagens dunderkväll!
Electrified 21/9 Ω Jessie Granqvist & Parallax Deep Ω Esperanto
Foto: Christopher Fletcher Sandersjöö
Here's what went down during backyard! This week Electrified returns to the house, joined by technophenomenon Jessie Granqvist and Parallax Deep. Check out the event, get excited and start looking forward to fridays' dreamnight!
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