7 years
11.08 Weź to poczuj Morowy & Justin
Ego, Sopot
7 years
10.08 Voice of Ego Georgina & NOZ & VIBE
Ego, Sopot
7 years
08.08 Ladies Night NOZ & HAADE
Ego, Sopot
7 years
03.08 DREY CHILL all night
Ego, Sopot
7 years
04.08 Haade & Mr. DrumR
Ego, Sopot
7 years
01.08 Ladies Night Mixtee
Ego, Sopot
7 years
28.07 WE DEM BOYZ Noz & Vibe
Ego, Sopot
7 years
25.07 Ladies Night Drey Chill & Banan on Sax
Ego, Sopot
7 years
27.07 DREY CHILL all night
Ego, Sopot
7 years
21.07 Voice of EGO Amundsen Night
Ego, Sopot
7 years
18.07 Ladies Night Haade & NOZ
Ego, Sopot
7 years
20.07 Back2DaOldies NOZ & Gafo
Ego, Sopot
7 years
14.07 Weź to poczuj Drey Chill & Justin
Ego, Sopot
7 years
13.07 GUCCI GANG Vibe & Haade
Ego, Sopot
7 years
7.07 DJ SL In Da House guest: DAAZ Amundsen Night
Ego, Sopot
7 years
11.07 Ladies Night Drey Chill & NOZ
Ego, Sopot
7 years
6.07 Sax Flavour Morowy & Banan on Sax
Ego, Sopot
7 years
4.07 Ladies Night Mixtee
Ego, Sopot
7 years
30.06 Back2DaOldies NOZ & MACU
Ego, Sopot
7 years
29.06 Weź to poczuj Drey Chill & Justin
Ego, Sopot
7 years
27.06 Ladies NIGHT Drey Chill & Banan on Sax
Ego, Sopot
7 years
23.06 Pijemy za zdrowie wszystkich ojców / powered by Amundsen
Ego, Sopot
7 years
22.06 SAX Flavour Noz & Banan & Kenny
Ego, Sopot
7 years
20.06 Ladies NIGHT UNIKAT CREW show
Ego, Sopot
7 years
15.06 WE DEM BOYZ Morowy & NOZ
Ego, Sopot
7 years
16.06 GUCCI GANG Mixtee & VIBE
Ego, Sopot
7 years
13.06 Ladies Night Drey Chill
Ego, Sopot
7 years
9.06 KSW Afterparty
Ego, Sopot
7 years
06.06 Ladies Night Noz & SL
Ego, Sopot
7 years
8.06 Morowy & Mr. DrumR (perkusja)
Ego, Sopot