100.002 DKK. THANK YOU‼️

Our community and network have shown endless love and support since the pandemic forced us to shut the doors nearly 12 months ago. We just reached 100.002 DKK when Jesper Langkjær was the 350th donor to support our GoFundMe campaign. The donations helped cover the salaries of all our employees and hourly workers but also costs not being covered by the national support packages. It sincerely warms our heart 💖

We’ll continue to work hard to make it through. However, we would never have expected the nightlife closure to carry on for so long. With zero income and debt continuing to rise, the financial struggle is still present. If you are in a position where you are able to donate and help us overcome this challenge, any amount is greatly appreciated.

👉 https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-culture-box

Regarding a reopening, it will obviously not be for now, but a glimmer of hope exists: Hopefully sooner than later this year. There is light at the end of the tunnel. We can't wait. Many thanks for helping. #SupportCultureBox