🔥 Mi Gente 🔥
Familia Conga,
Our hearts are with our extended family, who has suffered any losses of any kind during this pandemic situation. We pray with you and are there in spiritual support. We have yet to get any guidance on when we can re-open, but plans are being made for our emergence. With your love and encouragement, that will happen!
In the meantime, we want to search and discover local artists that are out there and showcase their content. When we say artists, we mean artists. It can come in any form of music, dance, art, and poetry. We want to showcase you, or those you know, when The World Famous Conga Room opens.
📧 Please email your 30-45 second video submission to: info@congaroom.com
If you’re going to be considered as a possible act, we will contact you.
TAG and SHARE this post with your family and friends to let them know!
We look forward to hearing from you.