"Osaka Night Fusion" was first produced to hype up the energy of the nightlife in Osaka where 'Osaka Expo' will be held in 2025. And this year, the entertainment show is back with the tastes of "Wa(Classic Japan)" and "Dance Music", and it consists of two different parts "the theatrical" show and "the interactive" one.

The first "theatrical" show goes with six themes. 「艶」"Temptation",「舞」 "Dance",「煽」 "Fan",「奇」 "Magic", 「化」"Transformation" and 「驚」"Surprise". This performance show is the fusion of DJ, Dancers, Kabuki actors, Japanese musical instruments players, Magicians, and Human Beat Boxers, along with special Japanese-style dance music.

The theme of the second show is 「宴」"Feast". It's an interactive and participative show with the whole audience. The audience feels the energy of the dance floor full of exciting visuals and lightning production, listening to the globally popular dance music where you feel like being in an enormous outdoor festival. All the performers from the first show mix up with the audience to unite the whole ONE.

2025年の万博開催を控える「大阪」で、ナイトタイムを盛り上げるべく誕生した「OSAKA NIGHT FUSION」。本作は「和」×「ダンスミュージック」をコンセプトに、「鑑賞型」と「参加型」の2部構成からなるライブエンターテイメントショーです。

第1幕は「鑑賞型」スタイルで、「艶」「舞」「煽」「奇」「化」「驚」の6つのテーマで舞台が進行されます。 本作の為に和風にリミックスされたダンスミュージックに合わせて、DJ/ダンサー/歌舞伎役者/和楽器奏者/マジシャン/ヒューマンビートボクサーらが融合したスペシャルパフォーマンスを披露します。
